Diana’s Pantry, a component of the Congregational Support Committee, is a tangible support of individuals and families in our AUUF community who have self-described as being food insecure. Every third Sunday of the month, the Diana’s Pantry Team collects non-perishable. food and household items donated by members of the congregation to distribute to those who have expressed a need. A grocery store gift card is also included each month to assist with unexpected needs. When a Diana’s Pantry recipient fills out a contact and information form, they also mark a list of items they typically eat or might buy for themselves at the grocery store. The Diana’s Pantry team uses these lists to provide recipients with what they will find useful. The lists also help donors shop intentionally and mindfully to better assist our Diana’s Pantry recipients.

During a Sunday service titled “Our Bounty to Share”, Noriko shared some comments from the Diana’s Pantry recipients. She stated, “I believe nothing is more powerful than the words from the recipients of Diana’s Pantry. Let us allow ourselves to listen to their voices.

1. “Diana’s Pantry has been the stable support I craved in the hardest time of my life.  COVID and cancer hit my home like a storm at the same time. Diana’s Pantry and the angels that run and support it were like constant warmth and guiding light which is so hard to find. I feel that it helped me keep swimming through the deepest, darkest waters of my life. It allows my mind to breathe about one lessened worry (food scarcity) at the times when I need a hand.”

2. “Diana’s Pantry has made a significant difference in our ability to get through a month living on Social Security. The pasta and canned goods always let us have something to eat when fresh produce is not an option. The Kroger monthly gift card provides yogurt, milk, fruit and other fresh items. We are thankful for the generosity of all of you who donate to our pantry–it makes a big difference in our life.”

3. “It’s hard to describe the small miracle each month from Diana’s Pantry.  It’s a small bag of thoughtfully chosen canned foods and other things that meager food stamps can’t buy. It’s a tremendous help to have the Kroger card for all the non-food items that really are necessities, and my cats are especially grateful and a joy of my life. That so many people make such a gift possible is, for me, an everyday thanksgiving for the blessings of ordinary life. Thanks for making so much possible.”

4. “I like to be self-sufficient, provide for family, and be generous to others in my community. When I need help, I have to ask for it. I can sidestep the stigma of not being upward mobile, affluent, etc. Pantry assistance is more valuable than dollar, or caloric value, the confirmation, uplift, by intention is hard to measure. The little help gives big results.”   

The Diana’s Pantry Team (Noriko, Amy K, Meadows, and Kitty) is looking for more ways to secure funds and items for Diana’s Pantry, a support program that has grown and expanded over the years. In addition to the annual Diana’s Pantry Holiday Drive, the team is also looking for supporters who can commit a specified amount of monetary donations monthly to help cover the grocery cards given to the Diana’s Pantry recipients.  Any amount is helpful ($10, $20 per month, for example). If you are interested in becoming a monthly monetary supporter, please let one of the team members know. Additionally, if you need either short-term or long-term food support, please speak to one of the Diana’s Pantry team members and fill out a contact form found in the large basket on the altar.